Boat Logbook

What is the Boat Logbook?

The automatic on-line logbook for boat owners, skippers and crew.

Data Recording - the BoatData ‘Black Box’

The BoatData box is a small hardware device that you can install on your boat to automatically record and store all of your vessel’s data.  With built in GPS, and connections for standard boat instruments, it can capture and save data from all of your boats systems for later analysis. When turned on, the BoatData box will log all the data available to it (at varying intervals depending on the speed of the boat) and store the data on the device’s internal storage. At the fastest possible logging speed, there is space for approximately 5 years of data! 

Full List of Data recorded:

  • GPS: Date, Time, Lat, Lon, FixValid, Altitude, SOG, COG, HDOP, Satellites
  • Nav: Heading, Trip Log, Total Log, GPS Distance, WP Range, WP Bearing, WP Speed, WP XTE, WP ID, WP Lat, WP Long
  • Instruments: Depth, Water Temp, App Wind & Angle, True Wind Angle, & Speed, Ground Wind Angle & Speed
  • Vessel: Rudder Angle, vessel pitch, vessel roll, vessel yaw, X,Y,Z impact (G force) sensor
  • Environment: Atmospheric Pressure, Temp, Voltage, Fuel Tank Level, Water Tank Level
  • Engine1: RPM, Boost, Tilt, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, Coolant Temp, Alternator Voltage, Fuel Rate, Coolant Pressure, Load, Torq, Economy
  • Engine2: RPM, Boost, Tilt, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, Coolant Temp, Alternator Voltage, Fuel Rate, Coolant Pressure, Load, Torq, Economy

Automatic Logbook

The collected data is then automatically uploaded to the cloud, whenever an internet connection is available, for processing into logbook entries which can then be analysed and shared. Uploaded data is analysed and processed into discrete log entries with additional performance analysis.

  • The start and end of trips are identified and the routes plotted on maps. 
  • Detailed log entries are created for each journey.
  • Notes can be added to each journey.
  • Custom log entires can be added to record other activities such as refuelling, servicing, repairs etc
  • Trips can be exported for sharing to other apps.

Remote Monitoring

The Boat Logbook allows you to monitor all available boat data remotely (provided you have internet access at the boat’s location). For example you can easily check the depth, wind speed and direction and boat location (anchor watch).

Crew Logbook

As well as keeping a log of all your boat’s data, you are keeping a log of your personal boating activity including miles covered and hours one the water. By adding your crew to each individual journey, they can also build a logbook of their activity. 

Every Boat Logbook user can have a BoatData box for each of their boats and any crew can be added (by the boat owner) to a journey so Logbooks can include journeys across multiple boats.

Share Your Adventures

The Boat Logbook integrates with popular sailing social networks like NoForeignLand so you can automatically upload your tracks and position.